Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Web Success

Show Your Visitors How To Own Their Web Success

"SBI! Is For Newbies."

This is by far one of the most widely-held misconceptions about Site Built It!.

We see it all time. People say it in forums. In blogs. In discussion groups. Newbies do well with SBI!, but SBI! is for anyone who has yet to succeed online, not just newbies.

The best way to dispel any "Urban Myth" is to try proving it to be true. The truth of the myth proves to be elusive, the real story emerging instead.

Are all SBIers Web beginners? Not even close.

Check out the results landing page...

These SBI! sites are merely a sample of our most successful customers. Look close - it's a perfect mix of newbies and seasoned, experienced Webmasters that are all not only performing at the top level on the Net, they're TOPPING most of the so-called "Web experts" at their own business.


If your visitors are made up of eBayers, Twitter addicts and Squidoo page junkies, tell em' to stop "flitting" and to settle down and create success for themselves, instead of for Twitter, eBay, etc.

Naturally, if you DO reach newcomers to e-business, SBI! is perfect for them. Newcomer or "sophisticated marketer"...

Anyone can make their own success with SBI!.

Check out Ken's recent post about his latest conversation with a 10-year eBayer. It came about accidentally, while Ken was buying something on eBay. This super-experienced seller has finally started working for HIMSELF with SBI!, with the plan to phase out eBay...

An Urban Myth And The Web's Golden Rule While Buying at eBay

And read this week's article below. We'll show you how to turn these Urban Myths into a positive new revenue stream for you!

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